Mea Lach with the students Khmer Arts Academy. We love them!Youthana Yuos, Director of ‘Buffalo Nickel’ (center) with his cast and crew.
Chan Hopson (Khmer Parents Association) introducing the ‘BOPHANA Center Presents’ screening.
Sixby An Panh and Song Wenbin (The Flavor of Amok) Alex Biniaz-Harris & Ambrose Soehn (Garuda’s Song)
Q&A with Shorts Corner filmmakers. Moderated by Kathryn Lejeune (CTFF Member).Youthana Yuos, Director of ‘Buffalo Nickel’.Magali An Berthon, Director of ‘Dancing in Silk’. Alex Biniaz-Harris & Ambrose Soehn, Directors of ‘Garuda’s Song’.Kathryn Lejeune moderating the Q&A. Sibxy An Panh, Director of ‘The Flavor of Amok’.Joseph Mills Co-Director of ‘High Point Summer’.Sayon Syprasoeuth of United Cambodian Community presenting the film ‘Last Night I Saw You Smiling’.Lining up for the Special Screening of ‘Puthisen Neang Kongrey’ (12 Sisters) – The Re-Mastered in HD version.Andy Eap (CTFF Member) cooking up fresh food for our CTFF crew and volunteers.Virak Dara (center) on the red carpet before the screening of her film, Puthisen Neang Kongrey (12 Sisters).Monorom Neth, President of Cambodian Coordinating Council, presenting the film ‘Puthisen Neang Kongrey ‘(12 Sisters)Q&A with legendary actress Virak Dara (center) and famous Cambodian musician, Seng Botum.Virak Dara (Legendary Actress) Seng Botum (Actress, Musician)Legendary actress, Virak Dara (center) receiving CTFF Lifetime Achievement Awards.Sithea San (Cambodia Town Inc.) presenting the film ‘FUNAN’.7th annual Cambodia Town Film Festival. CTFF 2019, its a wrap!!! – Afterparty at Ashley’s on Fourth.