Hakeem Olajuwon (Coming to America)Beware of the Predator!Cambo-RAMBO to the rescue!Risky Flash Dancer! Kathryn Lejeune (CTFF Member) and Shawna Lesseur (CTFF Member).DJ Hunny (CTFF Member) Olary Yim (CATCH International), Sina San (CATCH International) and Sayon (United Cambodian Community).King Hakeem Olajuwon and his Queen LALA.CTFF 2019 Kick-Off Party: 80’s Movie Theme Costume Contest Winner, the LABYRINTH Family!King Hakeem Olajuwon and his Queen LALA.The BACK TO THE FUTURE crew!Shawna Lesseur (CTFF Member) and Chamruen Newton (CTFF Members). CTFF Check In Table. 80’s Movie Theme.