Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten 2015 Campaign (MUST READ)

Dear Friends,

Many of you know that the film my friends and I have been working on for years, Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll, is being released in theaters nationwide this April.

We also have a great opportunity to bring Cambodian rock and roll musicians from around the world to the USA to speak and perform at a series of concerts with the film.

I need your help to bring them here! Our goal is to raise $30,000 by January 22nd. This will cover ALL costs associated with their travel and performances. So far we are more than a third of the way: at over $10,000.

Please go to our Kickstarter campaign page and give: $100, $60 or $20 or whatever you are comfortable with. ANYTHING HELPS!!

Having the surviving musicians perform and be available for press and q&a:s to tell their own story in the US would mean so much to them and to Cambodian music and history in general. Despite the Khmer Rouge’s brutal attempt to extinguish all individual artistic expression the music survived and continues to inspire!!

We have a great line-up confirmed, including the first Cambodian surf guitar band Baksey Cham Krong, the original hard rock band the Drakkar, Chhom Nimol from Dengue Fever singing songs of the great Khmer female stars, and the son of Sinn Sisamouth, Cambodia’s greatest pop star, singing his father’s songs. It really is a once in a lifetime concert and, combined with seeing the film, a once in a lifetime event. I hope you can attend, but even if you can’t, please help us make this happen!!

Everything is in place and ready to go, including major news outlets ready to cover the concert. The first concert will be at City Winery in NYC on April 24th but only if our Kickstarter campaign works.

That’s where you come in; your support would mean so much to me.

If everyone connected to this story/music just gave a little we can reach our goal. There are also great rewards attached to giving so check them out!!

many thanks, John
director, producer – Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten

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The mighty Drakkar! –