Live Stream of the Q&A with Rithy Panh at the Long Beach screening of “The Missing Picture”
CTFF was able to honor Rithy with an award.
“I think about all the images that were stolen from my parents, and I think about the grandparents and the aunts and the uncles and the cousins that I had never gotten a chance to know. I think about what it means to lose a whole country as many of my parents generation had. I think about how fragile our lives can be. And I think about the human capacity to endure. And I think about the bravery it takes to carry around all these memories and how difficult a task it must be to try to remember them over and over and over again, to preserve that story, to keep all those people and their history alive for fear of losing them forever, and then I think about Rithy Panh who has spent 25 years of his career doing and being everything that I thought about, and I am at awe, I am proud, But most of all, I am grateful, because he’s not just telling his story, he’s telling my story, he’s telling my parents story.”
-Caylee So
Co-Founder, Co-Director of CTFF
STREAMING: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/5043742/events/2786255/videos/43926509